Wednesday, December 7, 2011


One of the energy hogs in your home is the refrigerator.  Set the fridge section to no lower than 37F and the freezer section to no lower than 3F.    Don't overpack the freezer as it causes it to work harder.

Viridian's rates in Illinois this month are:
  variable 20+% green - only 5.99 cents/kWh
  variable 100% green - only 7.49 cents/kWh

You can switch to the variable rate at no cost.  There is also no cost to change to another supplier or to a fixed rate later.  The price of the energy can, however, change.  Regardless, savings over a 12 month period may be around 10% over the utility rate.  And just think - You are greening the planet at the same time.

Definitely.  Viridian has excellent fixed rates for a 12 month period.
   20+% green - only 6.78 cents/kWh
   100% green - only 8.28 cents/kWh

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome to the Shining Wind - a better way to help this planet

Hi, I'm Ana.

This is my first blog posting and I am really excited.
Did you know that the production of electrical energy is the worst pollution producer in the United States?

Yes, it produces more pollutants than ALL the CARS and TRUCKS on the road today - combined.
Why?  Because most of the time, it is produced through the burning of COAL and OIL - Brown energy.
 Not only is this bad for our planet, it is not sustainable.  It continues to make our country depend on foreign oil and OPEC.

 How much better to get out energy from the SUN or WIND.  There is an endless supply of both and your children or grandchildren will still have a planet that has breathable air.

How can you GO GREEN for FREE!
By joining me and hundreds of thousands of others who use Viridian as our energy supplier.
Its easy and free to sign up.   Its easy.  Just go to my website: